söndag 1 maj 2011

6. Day 3

Still hard to get up but thanks to Danny, who is a very close friend and where I stay at the moment, it's possible and painful to get out of bed. I thought my tummy muscles would help but obviously you can't activate those without activating you breast muscles... ouch!

Went for my first walk today. Only 20 minutes but it felt as if I had two big stones taped to my chest. Everything feels really tight and as if it's about to explode but I guess that's normal?

The scar on my left breast is kind of swollen but doesn't hurt. My right breast on the other hand hurts much more but I think that's because of my muscle being more trained than the left one. And I do use the right arm more. Maybe about time to switch?

Here some more pictures, but remember! The implants are still high up and will go down (sink) but it takes time.

AND PATIENCE! (but who is patient when it comes to your own boobies :P)

Bruises everywhere but that's normal. I think the most painful thing is my rib cage, at least at the moment.

You can see that the implant is high up but that will change :)

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